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熊敬维 教授

研究领域: 心血管发育与再生生物学
联系邮箱: jingwei_xiong@pku.edu.cn


男,1965 年出生。北京大学教授、博士生导师。北京大学分子医学研究所心血管发育生物学实验室主任。长期从事利用模式动物研究心血管发育与再生的分子遗传机制研究。发现了斑马鱼cloche 位点的遗传及物理定位,发现lycat cloche 的候选基因,并系统分析了Lycat 基因在血管内皮和血液干细胞发育中的关键作用。率先建立CRISPR 系统诱导的斑马鱼基因定点突变和同源重组介导的DNA系列(如LoxP 系列)定点敲入技术和大鼠基因定点突变技术。发现多种调控心血管发育的关键基因pku300ptpn9 talin1 等。率先在国内建立斑马鱼成年心脏再生研究平台,发现H2O2 信号调控斑马鱼心脏再生,为深入研究心脏干细胞和心脏再生医学的分子遗传机制奠定了扎实基础。曾获得美国国立健康研究所 K01 青年学者奖(2002),哈佛大学Milton 学者奖(2008)和Bayer 学者奖(2014)。




1. Yang R, Yan S, Yang XZ, Zhu X, Li CY, *Liu Z and *Xiong JW. (2015). Anti-malarial Drug Artemisinin Depletes Erythrocytes by Activating Apoptosis Pathways in Zebrafish. Experimental Hematology, 43: 331-341. (A cover story on the journal) IF2.48

2. #Gao H, #Bu Y, Wang X, Chang N, Lei L, Wu Q, Liu D, Zhu X, *Hu K, and *Xiong JW. (2015). Mecp2 Regulates Neural Cell Differentiation by Suppressing the Id1-Her2/Hes5 Axis in Zebrafish. J Cell Sci, 1282340-50. IF5.43

3. Diao J, Wang H, Chang N, Zhou XH, Zhu X, Wang J, and Xiong JW*. (2015). PEG-PLA Nanoparticles Facilitate siRNA Knockdown in Adult Zebrafish Heart. Dev Biol, 406:196-202. IF3.55

4. #Wu Q, #Zhang J, Koh W, Yu Q, Amsterdam A, Zhu X, Davis G, Arnaout MA, and *Xiong JW. (2015). Talin1 is required for cardiac sarcomere assembly and endothelial cell integrity in zebrafish. FASEB J, 29:4989-5005. IF5.04

5. Zhang M, Sun T, Jian CS, Lei L, Han P, Lv Q, Yang R, Zhou X, Xu J, Hu Y, Men Y, Huang Y, Zhang C, Zhu X, Cheng H*, and Xiong JW*. (2015). Remodeling of Mitochondrial Flashes in Muscular Development and Dystrophy in Zebrafish. PLoS One, 10:e0132567. IF3.23

6. Bu Y, Su F, Wang X, Gao H, Lei L, Chang NN, Wu Q, Hu K, Zhu X, Chang ZJ, *Meng K and *Xiong JW (2014). Ptpn9 regulates primitive erythroid cell development through Stat3 dephosphorylation in zebrafish. J Cell Sci, 127(Pt 12):2761-70. IF5.32

7. #Han P, #Zhou XH, Chang N, Xiao CL, Yan S, Ren H, Yang XZ, Zhang ML, Wu Q, Tang Y, Diao JP, Zhu X, Zhang CM, Li CY, *Cheng H, and *Xiong JW (2014). Hydrogen Peroxide Primes Heart Regeneration with a Derepression Mechanism. Cell Res, 24: 1091-1107. (Highlighted as a featured article on the journal cover) IF12.41

8. #Chang N, #Sun C, Gao L, Zhu D, Xu X, Zhu X, *Xiong JW, and *Xi J (2013). Genome Editing with RNA-guided Cas9 Nuclease in Zebrafish Embryos. Cell Res, 23:465-72.IF11.98

9. *Hu XL, Chang N, Wang X, Zhou F, Zhou X, Zhu X and *Xiong JW (2013). Heritable gene targeting with gRNA/Cas9 in rats. Cell Res 23: 1322-1325. IF11.98
